нашел такое решение. вроде заработало.
I've just upgraded to 15.10 (and yes I plan to go to 16.04 next time I have a little free time). I've been using openvpn to connect to a work VPN for years and years via a .ovpn config file that's always worked.
Now, however, something having to do with systemd seems to have changed the way things work. When I try to start it, I get a message broadcast out via wall:
Broadcast message from root@turandot (Sun 2016-05-01 10:25:50 CDT):
Password entry required for 'Enter Auth Username:' (PID 17284). Please enter password with the systemd-tty-ask-password-agent tool!
I've googled around for it and found nothing that seems like a solution to the problem. What's the new way to open a VPN connection?
This happens since Ubuntu 15.10 uses systemd to start openvpn. Following seems to work me for me. After you start openvpn and get the error message from the terminal do the following
sudo systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
You will be prompted to enter your username. Now type in the same command again
sudo systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
This time you will be prompted to enter your password. After entering the password start the vpn connection again. For me I do it with the following command
sudo service openvpn start
Now it should connect successfully.